Sossusvlei Tour



Upon your arrival at the international airport you will be met by your guide who will give you more information about the tour. Thereafter you will travel into the Namib Desert with its monumental dunes and ever-changing colours.

  • Day 1 - Sossusvlei

    Many people say that no part of the desert is visually more stunning than Sossusvlei with its monumental high dunes. The gigantic star-shaped mountains of sand (one of the largest was measured from the base to be 325 m high) are a sough-after topic for artists and photographers. Sossusvlei’s mountainous dunes lie at the end of an erosional trough formed by the Tsauchab River.

    They are shaped by strong multi-dimensional winds, primarily south-western, and the three to five sinuous crests, which meet at the highest point to give them the star shape. You will enjoy dinner at the hotel.

  • Day 2 - Sossusvlei

    On this morning after breakfast you will visit the Dead Vlei. Dead Vlei is an old salt pan named for its eerie dead appearance in the Namib Desert which had no water since the river changed its course. The old acacias died 500 years ago, but as there is no humidly in this place, they did not rot, forming a dead forest.

    In the late afternoon you will then visit Sesriem Canyon. Walking through the canyon takes you on a journey around 10-20 million years ago, when sedimentary layers of gravel and sand were deposited and cemented together by lime. The ledges are now inhabited by pigeons, raucous pied crows and chattering starlings.

    If you look a little higher you might see a Lanner Falcon or the soaring spread of a Lappet Faced Vulture with a wingspan of 2.6 m. In the evening a delicious dinner is served at the hotel.

  • Day 3 - End of Tour

    After a leisurely breakfast you return to Swakopmund where your tour will end.

    Enjoy the journey!

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